Did you acquire a truck between 1998 and 2014?

If you did, this truck is very likely affected by the truck cartel. You may be entitled to a claim for compensation of up to €10,000 per truck.

We can recover this claim for you at no cost or risk to you, and our fees are based solely on a successful outcome of your case.

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The cartel

Nearly 100% of the truck market in Europe is made up of 6 manufacturers.

  • -Daimler
  • -Iveco
  • -MAN
  • -DAF
  • -Volvo/Renault
  • -Scania

Between 1997 and 2011 they agreed to fix their gross list prices and thus blatantly violated European competition law. In 2011 the cartel was uncovered and the EU Commission initiated an investigation. It was completed in 2016 and ended with the cartel members being ordered to pay a record fine of more than 3 billion euros.

All of the manufacturers accepted this fine with the exception of Scania, which took legal action against this penalty notice and lost in the first instance before the European Court.

As a result, the buyers of trucks are entitled to a compensation claim for the excessive prices caused by the cartel agreeing to manipulate the market.

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court hearing

What vehicles are affected?

In principle, all trucks purchased between 1998 and 2011 are affected. However, compensation claims from 1998 to January 2008 potentially fall under the statute of limitations. On the other hand, trucks purchased between 2012 and 2014 (inclusive) are likely affected, because the end of the cartel did not have any immediate effect on prices. The price for trucks take several years until they come down to the level that would have prevailed without the cartel. Expert witnesses assume that dismantling the cartel did not have any significant effect on truck prices until the end of 2014.

The following prerequisites must be met to assert claims for compensation against the truck cartel:

  • Acquisition period: 01 January 1998 to 31 December 2014
  • Type of acquisition: purchase, rent-to-buy, leasing
  • Permissible gross vehicle weight: 6 metric tonnes or more
  • Vehicle condition: Only trucks that were bought newly by claimant

If you meet these conditions, we can help you exercise your rights at no cost or risk to you.

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How can the people and businesses affected receive compensation?

Anyone affected by the truck cartel must assert their compensation claims before a court of law. This type of legal action requires a lot of effort and is associated with high costs. Considerable fees for legal representation and expert opinions are incurred in these types of cases in addition to the actual court fees. For this reason, it makes more financial sense to bundle numerous claims together.

We organise these types of cases against manufacturers on behalf of the people and businesses affected by the truck cartel. You only have to retain our legal services and submit proof to us that the trucks acquired by you are eligible by submitting invoices, order confirmations, etc.

We bear all costs and risks associated with litigation on your behalf. In the event you win your case, we will be entitled to a 35% share of the amount awarded through litigation. If you do not receive payment, you do not have to pay anything. In other words, you do not face any risk of costs whatsoever.

Alternatively, we offer you a purchase of your claims. This would have the advantage for you that you would receive money immediately and would no longer be dependent on the course of the legal proceedings.

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Our services

No risk of costs We assume all the risk for you and work on a contingent fee basis, which means we only get paid if your case wins.
Easy processing of claims You only have to send us the documentation we require. Leave the rest up to us.
Experienced lawyers The lawyers who will be representing your claim have already actively pursued claims against the truck cartel on behalf of more than 1,000 clients.

About us

Park Truck Holding, LLC is a special purpose entity which was founded to litigate compensation for the people and businesses affected by the truck cartel. Park Truck offers victims financing for litigation. With this type of litigation financing, the financer assumes responsibility for all costs associated with the legal action and is solely responsible for them in the event a case is lost. If a case is financially successful, the financer will receive a share of the litigated amount awarded.

The investor of Park Truck is Siguler Guff, a US-American investment fund, which manages 15 billion USD and has more than 25 years of investment experience. Siguler Guff is headquartered in New York and has offices in Boston, London, Mumbai, São Paulo, Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong and Houston.

With Siguler Guff, Park Truck has the backing of an extremely competent and financially strong investor.

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Frequently asked questions

Which statute of limitations apply?
This is a matter of dispute amongst lawyers. Our legal experts expect claims will still be able to be asserted for purchases made from January 2008.
Can I also receive compensation for used vehicles?
Probably not. We are currently only representing claims for purchases of new vehicles.
Will I have problems with my truck suppliers if I assert a claim for compensation?
No. A considerable share of the injured parties is already taking legal action against the cartel members. It cannot be in any manufacturer’s interest to strain their relationships with customers.
How long does this type of legal action take?
It is difficult to estimate the timeframe. Case law up until now is clearly in favour of the claimants. If the manufacturers show themselves as willing to offer a settlement in the near future, it will indeed possible for financial success to be swiftly achieved. If the manufacturers continue their previous blockade mentality, it may still take several years for compensation payments to be made.
What costs do I need to cover?

There are not any up-front costs. Park Truck assumes the full risk of the costs. If the claims are successful, the costs for the court proceedings are initially deducted. A flat rate of € 200 per truck is charged for this or a maximum of 5% of the compensation per truck. This flat rate cap guarantees you that the costs for the court proceedings will not spiral out of control.

The remaining amount is then split between the client (65%) and Park Truck (35%).

Here is an example calculation:

You receive 10,000 euros in compensation for a truck. 5%, or 500 euros, is deducted for court costs. From the remaining 9,500 euros, Park Truck receives 35%, which is 3,350 euros. You receive 6,175 euros.

What happens if the court case is lost?
In this case, Park Truck will have had bad luck and will be stuck with the costs. You will not have to pay anything.
How much compensation am I entitled to?
This is currently still up in the air. Experts anticipate the expected compensation will be anywhere between 5,000 and 10,000 euros per truck.
What documents do I need?
You have to prove your purchase of the vehicle. We require relevant documents such as an invoice, leasing agreement, order confirmation, etc. The more documents you can provide us, the better it is for us.
How can I retain your legal services?
You can have us represent your claim by signing the contractual documents and submitting proof that you acquired one of the eligible trucks.